The Commonly Used Types and Namespaces poster for version 3.5 of the .Net framework is now available.
It main sections are Windows Presentation Foundation/Windows Forms (in green), ASP.NET (in yellow), Communications and Workflow (in orange), Data, XML and LINQ (in purple), and Fundamental (in blue).
The poster lists new types as well as what will be available in the 3.5 version of the compact framework and Silverlight 1.1.
There is a lot of new stuff in here. Here is a quick list of what's new in each section:
- WPF/WinForms
- Nothing
- ASP.Net
- System.Web.ApplicationServices
- AuthenticationService
- ProfileService
- RoleService
- System.Web.ClientServices
- ClientFormsIdentity
- ClientRolePrincipal
- ConnectivityStatus
- System.Web.ClientServices.Providers
- ClientFormsAuthenticatonMembershipProvider
- ClientRoleProvider
- System.Web.Configuration
- WebConfigurationManager
- System.Web.UI
- ScriptManager
- UpdatePanel
- UpdateProgress
- System.Net.PeerToPeer
- Cloud
- PeerName
- PeerNameRecord
- PeerNameResolver
- System.Net.PeerToPeer.Collaboration
- ContractManager
- PeerApplication
- PeerCollaboration
- PeerContact
- PeerNearMe
- System.ServiceModel.Persistence
- PersistenceProvider
- PersistenceProviderFactory
- SqlPersistenceProviderFactory
- System.ServiceModel.Syndication
- Atom10FeedFormatter
- Rss20FeedFormatter
- SyndicationFeed
- SyndicationItem
- System.ServiceModel.Web
- WebGetAttribute
- WebInvokeAttribute
- WebOperationContext
- WebServiceHost
- System.Data.Linq
- DataContext
- EntityRef<T>
- EntitySet<T>
- Table<T>
- System.Data.Linq.Mapping
- AttributeMappingSource
- Metamodel
- XmlMappingSource
- System.Xml.Linq
- XAttribute
- XDocument
- XElement
- XName
- XNamespace
- XNode
- XText
- Fundamentals
- System
- TimeZoneInfo
- System.AddIn.Contract
- IContract
- INativeHandleContract
- System.AddIn.Hosting
- AddInProcess
- AddInStore
- AddInSecurity
- AddInToken
- System.AddIn.Pipeline
- ContractBase
- ContractHandle
- CollectionAdapters
- FrameworkElementAdapters
- System.Collections.Generic
- HashSet<T>
- System.Diagnostics
- EventSchemaTraceListener
- System.Diagnostics.Eventing
- EventDescriptor
- EventProvider
- EventProviderTraceListener
- System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader
- EventLogInformation
- EventLogReader
- EventLogRecord
- EventLogWatcher
- EventRecord
- ProviderMetadata
- System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData
- CounterData
- CounterSet
- System.IO.Pipes
- AnonymousPipeClientStream
- AnonymousPipeServerStream
- NamedPipeClientStream
- NamedPipeServerStream
- PipeSecurity
- PipeStream
- System.Linq
- IQueryable<T>
- Queryable
- System.Linq.Expressions
- Expression<T>
- Expression
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
- DataContractJsonSerializer
- JsonReaderWriterFactory
- System.Security.Cryptography
- ECDsaCng
- System.Threading
- ReaderWriterLockSlim
I found the add-in support particularly interesting. I have been planning on implementing add-ins for the next major version of our product and am hoping to be able to use the add-in support in .Net 3.5. If you are interesting in finding out more about this, check out the article .NET Application Extensibility and the CLR Add-In Team Blog.
1 comment:
ContactManager, not ContractManager
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